Frequently Asked Questions
Is this event child friendly?
As an organization, we welcome all ages to RCS: ONE! We want everyone in the community, from teenagers to parents to grandparents to be able to engage with this event. However, we encourage parents to use caution when it comes to their kids and exercise their judgement as Halo 5 is rated T for teen, and alcohol will be present and available for purchase for those over 21.
Are there things for children to do?
We will have an area in the Substation dedicated to games for younger children. We will cycle through games to keep things fresh, but available games will be: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and Towerfall.
Can I participate in the RCS: ONE tournament?
Due to this being our first event, we didn't want to risk not having enough players to fill the tournament. Because of this, the main tournament at RCS will be invitation only. However, our goal is to have local participants compete in future events! So join our mailing list and be the first to know when registration opens!